Troubleshooting the Stand Table module

If problems occur running the MakeStandTables macro in the MYRLIN#1 modules, work through the various setup sheets in the module, examining the following points:

Options Have the correct columns and sheet names been specified?
Is the plot size correctly specified?
Are sub-plot size and diameter correct?
Are the options settings in the correct cells?
Species List Is the species code in column A (it must be)?
Is the species code formatted as text?
Has a valid column been specified for species grouping?
Tree data Have correct columns been specified for Stratum, PlotID, Species code and Diameter?
Is the data sorted by (1) Stratum, (2)PlotID?
Is the Species code formatted as text?
Do species codes properly match column A of the species list?
Are all diameters in cm (not mm or inches)?
Are all diameter entries numeric?
If area weight is needed, then:
Is the correct column specified?
Is the area weight data numeric?
If a formula is used to calculate area weight, is it correctly copied down for all tree data records?
Excel Were macros enabled when Excel started?
Was the stand table module the active workbook when the macro MakeStandTables was run?