Biostatistics, simulation modelling, survey design, information systems
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| MYRLINMYRLIN is an acronym for Methods of Yield Regulation with Limited Information. It was a project undertaken by the Oxford Forestry Institute under the UK Forest Research Programme from 1999 to 2002. I was involved as the lead technical consultant, developing software tools and a website for their documentation and delivery. The original system can be seen at
Alder, D; Oavika, F; Sanchez, M; Silva, JNM; Van der Hout, P; Wright, HL (2002) A comparison of species growth rates from four moist tropical forest regions using increment-size ordination. International Forestry Review 4(3)196-205. (PDF, 665 kb) Alder, D (1999) Some issues in the yield regulation of moist tropical forests. Paper to workshop on "Humid and semi-humid tropical forest yield regulation with minimal data" held at CATIE, Costa Rica, 5-9 July 1999. Oxford Forestry Institute Occasional Papers 52, pp 14-27. (PDF, 243 kb) 2009 update |